7 CONTOH/EXAMPLES DESCRIPTIVE TEXT SINGKAT (tentang Tempat, Orang, Hewan) beserta arti dan generic structurenya

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7 CONTOH/EXAMPLES DESCRIPTIVE TEXT SINGKAT (tentang Tempat, Orang, Hewan) beserta arti dan generic structurenya

Descriptive text adalah salah satu materi pembelajaran basaha inggris tingkat SMA/SMK maupun SMP yang akan kita bahas kali ini, adapun disini kita akan membahas tentang 7 contoh / example descriptive text singkat/pendek tentang tempat, orang, hewan beserta arti atau terjemahannya dan generic structurenya. semoga dapat membantu

Descriptive Text

Descriptive text adalah salah satu materi pembelajaran basaha inggris tingkat SMA/SMK maupun SMP yang akan kita bahas kali ini, adapun disini kita akan membahas tentang 7 contoh / example descriptive text singkat/pendek tentang tempat, orang, hewan beserta arti atau terjemahannya dan generic structurenya.

Contoh Descriptive Text

Kali ini kita akan membahas 10 contoh atau excamples descriptive text singkat tentang tempat, orang,dan hewan beserta arti atau terjemahan dan generic structurenya, antara lain:

Contoh Descriptive Text Tempat

Contoh yang pertama yaitu contoh descriptive text singkat tentang tempat Candi borobudur beserta arti (terjemahannya)
Candi Borobudur
Borobudur is the biggest Buddhist temple in the ninth century measuring 123 x 123 meters. It is located at Magelang, 90-km southeast of Semarang, or 42-km northwest of Yogyakarta. Borobudur temple is the one of the best-preserved ancient monument in Indonesia that are most frequently visited by over a million domestic as well as foreign visitors. It also had been acclaimed by the world as a cultural heritage main kind. The architectural style has no equal through out the world. It was completed centuries before Angkor Wat in Kamboja.

Borobudur is one of the world’s most famous temples; it stands majestically on a hilltop overlooking lush green fields and distant hills. Borobudur is built of gray andesite stone. It rises to seven terraces, each smaller than the one below it. The top is the Great Stupa, standing 40 meters above the ground. The walls of the Borobudur are sculptured in bas-reliefs extending over a total length of six kilometers. It has been hailed as the largest and most complete ensemble of Buddhist relieves in the world, unsurpassed in artistic merit and each scene an individual masterpiece.

Borobudur temple built in the eighth century by the Cailendra dynasty, is believed to have been derived from the Sanskrit words “Vihara Buddha Uhr” the Buddhist Monastery on the hill. Borobudur is a terraced temple surmounted by stupas, or stone towers; the terraces resemble Indonesian burial foundations, indicating that Borobudur was regarded as the symbol of the final resting place of its founder, a Syailendra, who was united after his death with the Buddha. The Prambanan temple complex is also associated with a dead king.

The inscription of 856 mentions a royal funeral ceremony and shows that the dead king had joined Shiva, just as the founder of the Borobudur monument had joined the Buddha. Divine attributes, however, had been ascribed to kings during their lifetimes. A Mahayana inscription of this period shows that a ruler was said to have the purifying powers of a bodhisattva, the status assumed by the ruler of Shrivijaya in the 7th century; a 9th-century Shaivite inscription from the Kedu Plain describes a ruler as being “a portion of Shiva.”

The Borobudur was in danger of collapsing as its stone statues and stone cancer, moss and lichen affected bas-reliefs. But, the monument has been completely restored and was officially opened by the President on 23rd February 1983. The restoration took eight years to complete, funded by the Government of Indonesia with aid from the UNESCO and donations from private citizens as well as from foreign governments.

The visitors have the option of going by taxi or public bus to reach this temple. Public transportation is available from the bus terminal. From that point visitors can hire becaks or horse carts, or walk the rest of the way to the monument. A large parking area is available not far from the monument, so private cars and buses can park in this area.
Candi Borobudur

Borobudur adalah Candi Budha terbesar di abad ke–9 yang berukuran 123 x 123 meter. Hotel ini terletak di Magelang, 90-km tenggara dari Semarang, atau 42 km barat laut Yogyakarta. Candi Borobudur yang menetapkannya monumen kuno di Indonesia yang paling sering dikunjungi oleh lebih dari satu juta domestik maupun mancanegara. Ini juga telah diakui oleh dunia sebagai sejenis utama warisan budaya.
Gaya arsitektur memiliki tidak sama melalui seluruh dunia. Selesai berabad-abad sebelum Angkor Wat di Kamboja.
Borobudur adalah salah satu candi paling terkenal di dunia; Monumen ini berdiri anggun di puncak bukit yang hijau yang menghadap ke ladang dan perbukitan yang jauh. Borobudur dibangun dari Batu Andesit Abu-abu. Itu naik ke tujuh Teras, masing-masing lebih kecil dari yang di bawah. Bagian atas adalah Stupa besar, berdiri 40 meter di atas tanah. Dinding Borobudur pahatan dalam Bas-relief memperluas atas panjang total enam kilometer. Itu telah dikatakan sebagai yang terbesar dan paling lengkap ansambel Buddhis mengurangi di dunia, tak tertandingi di seninya dan setiap adegan sebuah karya individu.

Candi Borobudur yang dibangun pada abad kedelapan oleh Dinasti Cailendra, diyakini telah berasal dari kata dalam bahasa Sansekerta “Vihara Buddha Uhr” biara Buddha di bukit. Borobudur adalah candi yang bertingkat di dihiasi dengan stupa, atau menara batu; Teras yang menyerupai Indonesia Yayasan pemakaman, menunjukkan bahwa Borobudur dianggap sebagai simbol tempat peristirahatan terakhir pendirinya, Syailendra, yang telah bersatu setelah kematiannya dengan Sang Buddha. Kompleks Candi Prambanan ini juga dikaitkan dengan seorang raja mati. Prasasti 856 menyebutkan sebuah upacara pemakaman kerajaan dan menunjukkan bahwa raja telah bergabung Siwa, hanya sebagai pendiri Borobudur monumen telah bergabung dengan Buddha. Sifat ilahi, namun, telah dianggap raja selama hidup mereka.

Prasasti Mahayana periode ini menunjukkan bahwa seorang penguasa dikatakan memiliki kekuatan memurnikan bodhisattwa, status diasumsikan oleh penguasa Shrivijaya di abad ke–7; Prasasti simbol abad ke-9 dari dataran Kedu menggambarkan penggaris sebagai “porsi Siwa.
Borobudur adalah dalam bahaya runtuh dengan patung batu dan batu kanker, Lumut dan lichen terkena relief. Tapi, monumen telah sepenuhnya direnovasi dan dibuka secara resmi oleh Presiden pada 23 Februari 1983. Pemulihan mengambil delapan tahun untuk menyelesaikan, didanai oleh pemerintah Indonesia dengan bantuan dari UNESCO dan sumbangan dari warga juga dari pemerintah asing.

Pengunjung memiliki pilihan untuk pergi dengan taksi atau bus umum untuk menuju Candi ini. Transportasi umum tersedia dari bus terminal. Dari titik itu pengunjung dapat menyewa gerobak becak atau kuda, atau berjalan sisa menuju monumen. Area parkir yang luas juga tersedia tidak jauh dari monument, sehingga mobil pribadi dan bus dapat memarkir di daerah ini.

Contoh Descriptive Text Orang

Contoh yang kedua yaitu contoh descriptive text singkat tentang orang yang berjudul "My friend and her new shoes" beserta arti / terjemahan dan generic structurenya
My Friend and her New Shoes

I have a close Friend. She is beautiful, attractive and trendy. She always want to be a trend setter of the day. She always pays much attention on her appearance. Recently, she bought a new stylist foot legs from blowfish shoes products. This shoes really matches on her.
Her new blowfish women’s shoes are wonderful. When she are walking on that shoes, all her friends, including me watch and admire that she has the most suitable shoes on her physical appearance. The style, bright color, and brand represent her as a smart woman of the day. She really have perfect appearance.
She is really mad on that shoes. She said that the products covered all genders. The blowfish men’s shoes are as elegant as she has. The products provide varieties of choice. Ballet, casual, boot athletic shoes are designed in attractive way. The products are international trader mark and become the hottest trend.

Temanku dan Sepatunya
Aku punya teman dekat. Dia cantik, menarik dan trendi. Dia selalu ingin menjadi trend setter hari. Dia selalu membayar banyak perhatian pada penampilan. Baru-baru ini, dia membeli stylist baru kaki kaki dari produk sepatu blowfish. Sepatu ini benar-benar cocok pada dirinya.
Sepatu wanita blowfish baru indah. Ketika ia berjalan di sepatu itu, semua teman-temannya, termasuk saya menonton dan kagum bahwa dia memiliki sepatu paling cocok pada penampilan fisiknya. Gaya, warna cerah, dan merek mewakili dirinya sebagai seorang wanita yang cerdas hari. Dia benar-benar memiliki tampilan sempurna.
Dia benar-benar gila pada sepatu itu. Dia mengatakan bahwa produk tertutup semua jenis kelamin. Laki-laki blowfish sepatu elegan karena dia. Produk menyediakan berbagai pilihan. Balet, kasual, sepatu atletik boot dirancang dalam cara yang menarik. Produk mark pedagang internasional dan menjadi tren terkini.
  • Generic Structurenya
Identification: What is the text about? The first information of the object
I have a close Friend.

Description: Some paragraphs of special feature of the object described
She is beautiful, attractive and trendy
Her new blowfish women’s shoes are wonderful
She is really mad on that shoes.

Contoh 2

Contoh / examples descriptive text singkat tentang "bob's family" beserta arti dan generic structurenya
Bob’s Family

Bob Hunter is forty years old. He lives in Derby with his wife and three children.
His wife’s name is Linda and she is an artist. Their eldest child, Richard, is studying Engineering at Derby University. Their middle child is called Claire. She’s fourteen and a student at Derby Grammar School. Their youngest child is Sally, who is twelve. She enjoys horse-riding and cycling.

Keluarga Bob

Bob Hunter adalah empat puluh tahun. Ia tinggal di Derby bersama istri dan tiga anak.
Nama istrinya Linda dan dia adalah seorang seniman. Anak sulung mereka, Richard, adalah belajar teknik di Universitas Derby. Anak tengah mereka disebut Claire. Dia adalah empat belas tahun dan seorang mahasiswa di Derby Grammar School. Anak adalah Sally, yang dua belas. Dia menikmati menunggang kuda dan Bersepeda.

Generic Structurenya
Identification. It is the first paragraph contain the information of the object described
The family of Bob Hunter

Description: Some features of the object which can befamily,  parts, characteristics, value, or habit
His wife’s name is Linda
Their eldest child, Richard,
Their middle child is called Claire.
Their youngest child is Sally, 

Contoh Descriptive Text Hewan

Contoh berikutnyta adalah contoh descriptive text singkat atau pendek tentang hewan beserta arti dan generic structurenya
  • Contoh 1 The giraffe
The Giraffes
 Giraffes are truly giant animals. They amaze me. I like giraffes because their long neck. They can grow up to 17 feet tall and weigh as much as 3,000 pounds. The male giraffes, called bulls, are typically larger than the females, called cows. The babies aren’t exactly small either. A baby giraffe, called a calf, is 6 feet tall at birth! Giraffes also have large hearts. Their hearts can be up to 2 feet long and weigh over 20 pounds. They need these large hearts to pump blood all the way up their long necks.

It is always fun to watch giraffes eat from the tree. Their favorite types of leaves are from the acacia tree. Giraffes are herbivores, meaning they eat plants rather than meat. They use their long necks and tongues (which they can stick out up to a foot and a half!) to get to leaves on trees. A typical full-grown adult giraffe will eat over 70 pounds of leaves, twigs, and fruit each day. Giraffes don’t need to drink water very often because there is so much water in the leaves they eat. However, when they do drink water, they can drink several gallons at a time. I think this is not good because a giraffe has to bend down and get into a vulnerable position when drinking. Not a good idea when there are lions sneaking around!

  • Contoh 2

I really interested in the dolphins. They are one of the most playful and intelligent animals on our planet. Even though dolphins spend their lives in the water, they are not fish, but are mammals. Dolphins can’t breathe water like fish, but need to come to the surface to breath air.

Dolphins eat other smaller fish, but they eat squid, too, and some dolphins, like Killer Whales, will often eat small sea mammals like seals and penguins. Dolphins often hunt together, herding fish into packed groups or into inlets where they can be easily caught. Some dolphins will share their food with the young or let the young catch injured prey as practice. They don’t chew their food, they swallow it whole. Dolphins get the water they need from the animals they eat, rather than drinking ocean water.

Dolphins have excellent eyesight and hearing. Underwater they use echolocation. Echolocation is kind of like sonar where dolphins make a sound and then listen to the echo. Dolphin is also tame animal that people can play with.
  • Contoh 3
Have you ever watch the cartoon movie "Kung Fu Panda"?  The panda in the movie is described as a fat animal, love-noodle eater, and Kung Fu master. But the Panda that will be described below is not the Panda who can do Kung Fu like in that movie. Here is the description about Panda.

Pandas are bear-like animal which originally live in center and western part of China. Pandas have distinguish features that make them different other species of bear. Pandas have white thick fur which covers all of their body with black eyes patches, ears, nose, legs, shoulders, and arms. Those black marks make Pandas unique and different.
Like other species of bear, pandas have a big head, a short tail, rounded ears, and a long muzzle with a big nose. However, pandas’ diet is totally different with other species of bear; in which they prefer bamboos than others. 90% of pandas’ diet consists of bamboos. That is why pandas have adapted their body to help them in eating bamboos. Pandas have a big jaw with tough muscles and strong molars to crush bamboos so they can extract the nutrients they need. 

 Pernahkah kamu menonton film kartun “Kung Fu Panda”? Panda yang ada dalam film tersebut dideskripsikan sebagai hewan gendut, suka makan mie dan jago Kung Fu. Akan tetapi, panda asli yang akan deskripsikan dibawah ini bukanlah padan yang bisa Kung Fu seperti di film. Berikut ini adalah deskripsi panda.

Panda adalah hewan yang mirip beruang yang aslinya hidup di daerah China tengah dan barat. Panda memiliki ciri-ciri pembeda yang membuatnya berbedan dengan spesies beruang lainnya. Panda memilki bulu tebal berwarna putih yang menutupi seluruh tubuh mereka dengan warna hitam di sekitar mata, telinga, hidung, kaki, pundak dan tangan. Tanda warna hitam tersebutlah yang membuat panda unik dan berbeda.

Seperti spesies beruang lainnya, panda memiliki kepala besar, ekor pendek, telinga bundar, dan moncong panjang dengan hidung yang besar. Akan tetapi, makan panda sangat berbeda dengan spesies beruang lainnya; yang mana mereka lebih suka bambu daripada makanan lainnya. 90% makanan panda terdiri dari bambu. Itu lah mengapa panda telah adapati tubuhnya untuk membantunya dalam memakan bambu. Panda memiliki rahang besar dengan otot-otot yang kuat dan gigi-gigi geraham yang kuat untuk menghancurkan bambu-bambu sehingga mereka dapat mengekstark untrisi yang mereka butuhkan.

Terima kasih sobat telah membaca materi tentang 7 CONTOH/EXAMPLES DESCRIPTIVE TEXT SINGKAT (tentang Tempat, Orang, Hewan) beserta arti dan generic structurenya. Semoga materi ini dapat memberi manfaat bagi sobat. Jangan lupa untuk menyimpan link berikut ini https://materi-pendidikan-indonesia.blogspot.com/2017/02/7-contohexamples-descriptive-text.html agar sobat bisa mengunjungi materi ini sewaktu-waktu. Baiklah sampai jumpa di postingan materi-materi selanjutnya.

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